
Strumica is the main agricultural center in Macedonia. While you’re visiting Strumica, allow your Hertz vehicle to take you to Carevi Kuli to see some adorable animals, enjoy the nice restaurant trying traditional Macedonian foods and admire the amazing views that are definitely worth the visit. Carevi kuli is in fact a fortress you are allowed to climb on. It’s a great experience for the true adventure seekers!

If you're more of a spiritual person, turn your rental car and visit the Monastery of St Leontius and Monastery of Bogorodica, well known for its silence and wonderful views over Strumica’s valley.

And if you’re a nature enthusiast, you must find your way to the Smolare Waterfalls. Deep within the forest, you can gaze at the waterfall from a wooden bridge constructed in front of the crashing water, enjoying the refreshing spray as the waterfall collides with the rock and meets the river below. The Kolesino Waterfall is enchanting in every season. Surrounded by maple trees and stone cliffs, it is the perfect place to rest from a summer road trip with your Hertz rental and enjoy a magical picnic.

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