
What should your the next Macedonian destination be? Your Hertz car hire is always ready to accompany you on your enthusiastic journeys! Why don’t you head to Bitola, the "City of Consuls". The special thing about this city is that it screams culture and elegance. If you like sophisticated promenades and lovely romantic walks, you will love the "Sirok Sokak" (Wide Street), a street full of restaurants, hotels, coffee-houses, shops, clothing stores, and monuments.

Turn your car rental key and make the Deboj Amam Turkish Bath your first stop! It’s time to have a deep relaxation experience. You will not only feel physically clean, but psychologically cleansed as well. Not too far away from this cultural city, sits the Pelister National Park. You won’t be able to meet this green seductress by car, so be sure to leave your Hertz rental car resting at the entrance to admire the breathtaking greenery. We will leave the rest of the unique adventure to your own experience.

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